Three Ways To Make Your Cat Less Homesick While It's At A Boarding Kennel

Pets & Animals Blog

When you're going on an extended vacation or business trip, finding adequate accommodations for a cat can be a real pain. Fortunately, if you don't have any friends you can trust available for cat sitting, putting the cat in a boarding kennel will allow you to go on your trip without worrying too much. If your cat tends to get anxious when it's away from you, check out these three ways to make your cat less homesick while it's at a boarding kennel.

10 October 2016

4 Home Remedies For Doggy Breath

Pets & Animals Blog

Sharing your home with a dog can be exciting and rewarding, but it can quickly become an inconvenience if your dog suffers from bad breath. While your veterinarian can provide the dental care your dog needs to help reduce bad breath, there are some simple things that you can do at home to further prevent doggy breath from putting a damper on the time you spend with your pet. Here are four simple home remedies for doggy breath.

10 October 2016

Dog Dentist Advice: What To Ask About Anesthesia


Just like with humans, using anesthesia on your dog does not come without risks. Make sure you understand all the risks and benefits of anesthesia before you take your dog in for a dental cleaning. It has become common practice among vets to put dogs under anesthesia during dental cleanings. Ask For A Blood Test For the majority of dogs, going under anesthesia is a safe process. However, the biggest warning sign that your dog should not go under anesthesia is if their kidney and liver levels are off.

2 April 2015